Arizona Inland Search Management Course

Thank you for registering for the Arizona Inland Search Management Course.  This is a 40 hour course.

Below are links to the required pre-course online classes, manuals, and software downloads.   Make sure all required software has been downloaded and installed PRIOR to class arrival.

Course Requirements

AZISM Manual

Students MUST download and print in color (or bring an electronic copy on an ipad, tablet or color e-reader) of the AZISM Manual.  

Attendees must also READ and UNDERSTAND Chapters 1-7 by the date listed on your registration confirmation email.

AZISM Manual

Basic Computer Proficiency

as outlined by NORTHSTAR Digital Literacy document.

Or ability to pass their self assessment quiz.

Hardware Requirements

Students MUST bring to class the following items:

  • Windows Laptop
  • Charger for computer
  • Power Strip
  • Extension Cord
  • Thumb drive labeled with students name.


Reminder – all students MUST secure lodging that is within 30 mins drive time of the course location.  Please refer to your registration email for the course location and recommended lodging information.