About 600 Search and Rescue Missions (SAR) are conducted in the State of Arizona each year. These SAR missions involve individuals who are lost, injured, stranded or deceased in remote and most times inaccessible terrain. Within all fifteen counties in Arizona, the Sheriffs are statutorily responsible for the conduct of search and rescue missions.

The Arizona Search and Rescue Coordinators Association (ASARCA), a 501(c)(3) organization, was formed to support the Sheriff’s in their mandated duties. ASARCA helps develop training standards, search techniques and standardization for search and rescue volunteers, county coordinators and other assisting agencies around the State of Arizona. ASARCA also runs the biennial SARCON conference for Arizona.
If you require search or rescue assistance please contact your local Sheriff’s Office through the 911 emergency call center.
This site contains many documents, presentations, free software and links to outside sites that are beneficial for SAR teams and required for ASARCA classes The Training page will have dates for all upcoming ASARCA classes and events and will have the links to the registration forms.
You can also download copies of the new AZ SAR Task Books to start working towards the various levels of certification by using the SAR Taskbooks page.
If you are interested in joining Search & Rescue in Arizona you will need to contact your local Sheriff’s Office to find out how to join their program. Each county has separate rules, processes and teams.